Jeremy Thunell

Software Engineer


I am a software engineer at Apptio, in Bellevue, Washington, USA. I have a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Washington. In addition to my work experience and education, I have worked on several big projects in application, web, and game development, some of which can be found in my Portfolio.


Work Experience


March 2019 – Current
Bellevue, WA

Software Development Engineer I
March 2019 - March 2020
Worked on the Cloud Cost Management team, developing software to help businesses track their cloud spending. Developed cloud-native enterprise services for processing massive amounts of data. Built in Java using a DevOps/Agile methodology.

  • Participated in the 2019 Summer Hackathon - Developed a tool to help customers label data
  • Earned an award for excellent work in August 2019
  • Participated in the 2019 Winter Hackathon - Developed data visualization components
  • Received an Exceptional performance review in March 2020
Software Development Engineer II
March 2020 - Current
Worked on the Hybrid Business Management team. Lead developer for backend microservices focused on cloud migration strategies.


University of Washington, Seattle
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science

September 2014 – December 2018

Edmonds Community College, Lynnwood
Java and C/C++ Developer Certificates

Graduated June 2014
CS/Math GPA: 3.97/4.0
Dean’s List 7 consecutive quarters

Relevant Coursework

University of Washington:
  • Software Design/Implementation
  • Networking
  • Databases / Data Management
  • Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Security
  • Machine Learning
  • Compilers
Edmonds Community College:
  • Java I, II, III
  • C/C++ I, II, III
  • Software Testing
  • Intro to C#
  • Intro to VB.NET
  • Game Development
  • 3D Game Project


- Proficient in Java, C, C++, Python, C#, .NET, PHP, SQL, HTML/CSS/JavaScript
- Experienced in web development, both front and back end, and data management
- Works well on teams as well as individually
- Highly self-motivated with a strong attention to detail
- Always aims to exceed expectations and highly values opportunities to improve knowledge and skills


Contact Me


This library adds several useful tags to HTML to allow for creating interactive front-end webpages without any JavaScript skills.

The motivation for this project was that there are lots of people who know basic HTML but have no programming skills, and all good front-end libraries require at least intermediate JavaScript skills. I wanted to create a tool that would allow those people to make modern, interactive webpages, so I built HTML++. It adds some much-needed functionality to HTML, including abstraction (defining custom tags composed of other HTML tags), importing data from external or hard-coded sources, iterating over data (for-each loop), control flow (if-else statements), and other useful tags.

HTML++ was originally made for the Compilers course at the University of Washington by myself and another person, but is currently maintained by me.

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This social media site combines the best elements of Reddit and Instagram, allowing users to subscribe to whatever kind of content they like. This is a solo personal project by me, built using PHP Laravel and a SQL database on the backend, and JavaScript with React on the front-end. It is currently in development and the code is proprietary. A link will be added soon.

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Legend of Pigment

A 3d Puzzle-Platformer game for PC and Xbox 360. Developed by a large team of about 10 people, for the 3D Game Project class at Edmonds Community College.

My role on the team was as lead developer, and a majority of the code was written by me. I also served as Project Manager to help other developers and designers solve problems and deliver assets.

This game was built in C# with XNA.

I am currently working on obtaining a copy of the game. A link will be added soon.

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A JavaScript/Node.js library for generating addresses in a number of common cryptocurrencies. This was created for back-end web developers who want to accept cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin on their website. Before this library, developers would have to download a number of different libraries for each currency they wanted to accept.

This library was written in JavaScript for Node.js.

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